The information below is for coaches and school administrators. On this page you can find information on assigning agreements, match fees, assigning policies, playoffs, and important documents. If you have questions or want to use our officials for your schools' matches please contact the Capital Referees' Board of Directors.
Assigning Agreements
Capital Referees maintains an assigning agreement with all non-UIL middle and high schools that it provides officials to. Schools governed by the University Interscholastic League (UIL) are bound to the UIL 1204.
2024-2025 Match Fees
Regular season
Length of Half Three Person Dual Single Center
30-40 min. Referee: $75 ARs: $55 $75 $112.50
Mileage Fees
Mileage fees are calculated based on the shortest distance from the center point of Capital Referees area, which is 1515 Alguno Rd, Austin, TX 78757 to the game site. This tool will help determine a mileage fee:
Distance Amount
Less than 31 miles $20
31-61 miles $35
62-90 miles $50
submitting official Scratches
UIL Schools
Please submit all scratches to the UIL using the form below. Capital Referees cannot accept scratches directly from schools or coaches.
Non-UIL Schools
Please submit your scratches to President of Capital Referees, Andy Evangelos.
More information to come soon…
UIL Playoff match fees
For Playoff Match Fees, please visit the UIL calculator:
Length of Half All Other Playoff Games State Semifinals & Finals
40 min. Referee: $125 ARs: $85 Referee: $185 ARs: $145
Per Diem
All referees are required to be paid per diem for matches that requires travel of 90 miles or more one way. Referees are only entitled to one per diem fee per day.
Per Diem Fee: $30
Mileage Fees
Mileage fees are calculated based on the shortest distance from the center point of Capital Referees area, which is 1515 Alguno Rd, Austin, TX 78757 to the game site. This tool will help determine a mileage fee:
Distance Amount
Less than 31 miles $20
31-61 miles $35
62-90 miles $50
More than 90 miles Distance traveled multiplied by $.70*
* Note: If one official drives, that official will be paid 100% of the “state mileage rate.” If two officials drive, each driver will be paid 75%, and if three officials drive, each official will be paid 60% of the state mileage rate. The Texas Comptroller determines the state mileage rate.